17 years... Alex Turns 17 Today marks 17 years since our oldest was born. I truly cannot wrap my mind around that. It feels like a weird mix of yesterday and a lifetime ago that we started on this parenting journey with the birth of Alex. Honestly? I think he's such a great guy! I know, I know... I'm ridiculously biased, but STILL! I think he's truly a wonderful soul and I love hanging out with him! He's funny, (ahem, that would be my gift to him) smart... (no idea where that one came from...sorry to say) hard working... (look no farther than his dad, Daniel is such a hard worker), patient (mostly), considerate, honest, trustworthy, generous... I could keep going, but I can see you yawning! (yeah, yeah.., he's a great kid, we get it!)So today we celebrate this boy who is really no longer a boy and we are thankful for him. Happy Birthday Alex! Reeta TreatFebruary 27, 2018Comment Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes