Backpackers Guide...
Greetings from the land of Limbo. {Limbo? I thought they were in New Zealand... } Hmmm, yes, I can see your confusion. Where is Limbo anyway? Well... it's actually a state. Yes, that's right... the state of Limbo: "an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place." And yes, our family is currently located in the beautiful country of New Zealand near the town of Cambridge in the Waikato region. But still we reside in Limbo at the moment. And why is that? Well, because yes we have submitted all the paperwork for an 18 mo visa, (and believe me when I tell you that was a lot of paper!) and yes we are currently "settled" in a lovely home where were are housesitting for friends until the first week in October, but nothing is for certain. And that my friend is the mantra, the state slogan, for the state of Limbo.
Here are some tips from me to you in case you ever find yourself here... and I really do hope you're just passing through if you do visit, because overall no one really wants to live here indefinitely.
1. Flexibility is the name of the game! If you weren't flexible before entering the state of Limbo you will most likely get your chance here to stretch those limbs! Yeah! VERY big perk to living here...
2. Please don't be picky. Picky eater? Yeah... Limbo might not be your "happy" place. Picky about your lodging? Hmmmm. Visit when you're feeling more flexible perhaps. Picky about transportation, smells, hours, clothing, personal space.... go for the State of Relaxation, I've heard they can be very accommodating.
3. Bring your own entertainment. Limbo can be very boring. If you have a sense of humor, bring it along... that can be very helpful. You probably should go easy on the sarcasm though if you're traveling with people who are sensitive to that kind of humor... a little goes a long way in the cramped space you can find yourself in here.
Well, that's all the pointers I can give you just now.... can't give away every morsel of wisdom that is in this much sought after guide book, now can I?
Oh, and just so you know... there are some quite lovely out of the way places in Limbo which I will let you in on more next time... they just tend to be quite a bit off the beaten track and maybe a bit difficult to find... but they do exist! I'm tacking on a few photos of one such hamlet.. the wonderful home we get to housesit for here in New Zealand! We are quite thankful for this piece of rest!