Did you jump?

One of the most exciting and sometimes challenging creative roads D and I are walking (along with a whole bunch of you I'm guessing!) is that of being parents.  Who needs rollercoaster rides?  Right?  But kinda just like a rollercoaster ride there are points where you just gotta throw your hands in the air, scream and enjoy the thrill.  (BTW... I absolutely will NOT ride a rollercoaster, so the fact that I'm using this analogy is humorous in itself).  As our kids get older some of that letting go looks like letting them explore new creative outlets and mediums. For our middle guy, Ben, this has meant him exploring the opportunity to hone his stop motion skills in this last year.  He has really worked at it and produced some AWESOME stop motion videos... mostly for the app Musical.ly.    This can be uncharted territory with not knowing what these doors we let our kids walk through in social media and the greater wide world will lead to... this will be an ongoing conversation here at Treat Creative!  But for now here is his latest stop motion ... and just so you know he CAUGHT this tarantula in the woods before he filmed it.  Yep.

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