6 days and counting...
So here's what happens to me when I'm days away from leaving both my state and my country...I become ridiculously sentimental. Because the fact is, I love this country. Does it have it's faults? Of course! But we Americans are some of the most blessed people on the planet and we should live every day grateful for the opportunities and privileges that nationality gives us. Our heritage is rich and beautiful.
I distinctly remember coming home after a year overseas when I was 19 and it just so happened that my friends had bought me a ticket to a Rockies game on the 4th of July! At the end of the game they shot off fireworks and played the Star Spangled Banner and I cried my eyes out. It was probably the first time I really realized what I had been given in this nation, and how much I love this land of freedom and bravery. Of course I'm a little biased about Colorado, but... let's face it. It's the best state in the union. Yes, you can quote me on that.
So here I am... days from leaving my home soil and I find myself buying sentimental things... like these grocery bags at King Soopers! Aren't they great?? They're going with me. Those 2 bags and a heart full of love for America.